Sunday, January 31, 2010


Have you ever wondered whats out there? Not like just out of town I mean like way out there. I'm talking like space out there. I personally love astronomy and think it is amazing. Well when God made the universe I think he used it to glorify him. One of the problems scientists (evolutionists) have is trying to find out if there are more inhabited planets out in space. they believe that the universe is so big that they think if the creationists "God" made the universe incredibly huge and giant for just one teeny tiny planet that could support life then there must be more out there. I think that the universes primary function is to show us how big and wonderous God is. There are so many stars and galaxies out there.

There is something called a subdivision and thats where you live. You can think you live in Hollow Woods or something but what I mean is as a subdivision is the milkyway Galaxy which is where we live. Scientists calculated that the Milkyway is 100,000 lightyears in diameter. First, let me explain a lightyear. It is a measurement in space that calculates how far one point is to another. Now one light year is 5.88 trillion miles...thats just one light year!! So if you wanted to "cross the street" then you would have to travel 5.88 trillion miles for 100,000 years at 186,000 miles per second to cross the galaxy!!!! and thats just our galaxy, There are trillions and quadrillions of galaxies. if you were to count the stars in our galaxy, one star per second, then it would take you 2,500 years to do it. thats how incredible God is. He is indescribable.
if you look at the image above, thats the whirlpool galaxy. It is called the darling of astronomy. It is 31 million lightyears from earth. If you were to travel to it you would have to travel 5.88 trillion miles for 31 million years at 186,000 miles per second.

"For the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim his handy work. day after day they pour out speech, night after night they pour out knowledge"
Psalms 19:1-2

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